Fiche cheval yankee girl

R7C7plathandicap 60351kalgoorlie australie1400M12713nld services handicap (1400 metres)15 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 8 - 13 - 14 - 15
14black lightningF56p(20)1p2pjoseph azzopardi/101:25
27kenny the kingM58p6p0p8pangela johnston/1nez
39wunderkindF47p2p1p2p2pchris parnham/13/4 l
410regal dividendF42p3p7p8p9pjade mc naught/1cte tete
51pyroH63p1p0p7p0pkristo sardelic/11 l
62sassationalF66p0p2p1p5pkeshaw dhurun/11/2 l
75lucy da greyF66p6p4p5p0pholly watson/11 l
812ensign pulverH75p5p5p9p5pb banovic-edwards/11/2 l
96naughty thoughtiesH40p4p5p1p2pms k yuill/11/2 l
103starof bonnie roseH64pmaddy cornick/13/4 l
8there's a chanceH60p9p7p0p9pvictoria corver/1
1111blackwood riverH67p0p0p(20)4pjett stanley/11 l 1/4
13tramikaH57p8p9p(20)7preserviste 1/1
14yankee girlF69p7p3p6preserviste 2/1
15western rhythmF55p8p6p6preserviste 3/1

R8C7plathandicap 61335kalgoorlie australie1300M12937topdrill handicap (1300 metres)14 partantsdépart à 08:25
Non-partants : 13 - 14
13ready to rideF40p7p(20)4p1pms holly watson/101:18
22canto de guerraH40p4p1p(20)0pclint johnston-porter/13 l
311regal dividendF47p8p9p4p2pjade mc naught/11/2 l
41naughty thoughtiesH45p1p2p8p8pnatasha faithfull/11 l 3/4
57ensign pulverH75p9p5p9pjett stanley/1encolure
69kissedbyfriarH55p5p(20)0p8pkristo sardelic/11 l
76wunderkindF42p1p2p2p4pchris parnham/11/2 l
85tramikaH59p(20)7p7p6pmitchell pateman/1nez
912yankee girlF67p3p6p(20)0plaqdar ramoly/11 l 1/4
108galahs do roarF54p8p(20)2p5pryan hill/1encolure
1110who's a pretty galF60p(20)6p5p0pjordan turner/1cte enc.
124there's a chanceH69p7p0p9p8pb rawiller/11/2 l
13imortaliteH78p3p0p6preserviste 1/1
14doctor on iceH70p7p9p9p6preserviste 2/1

R9C7plathandicap 62339kalgoorlie australie1400M12937goldfields oasis tour de kal handicap (1400 metres)11 partantsdépart à 08:20
18cocky edH63p4p6p9p4pnatasha faithfull/101:25
21magic of zeusH41p8p4p1p5pms m hagley/1encolure
39imortaliteH70p6p(20)9p0pkeshaw dhurun/13/4 l
45censureF54p3p3p7p6pmitchell pateman/1encolure
53blue turns to greyH66p2p1p(20)2pholly watson/11 l 1/2
62three ezeH52p2p3p2p3pb rawiller/11/2 l
711yankee girlF63p6p(20)0p0pmadi derrick/12 l 1/2
810partybusH80p8p(20)7pjett stanley/11 l
97city starH77p(20)2p4p5pc staples/1cte tete
106blackwood riverH60p(20)4p3p4plaqdar ramoly/13/4 l
114kenny the kingM58p(20)0p1p6pben paterson/12 l

R7C7plathandicap 62703kalgoorlie australie1200M12937hose mate handicap (1200 metres)10 partantsdépart à 08:30
11semigelH53p(20)4p2p2pms m hagley/101:12
23herron sandF6(20)0p7p2p1pmitchell pateman/11/2 l
310yankee girlF66p(20)0p0p9pmadi derrick/11 l
47dustyparkH69p5p4p3ptyla becker/1cte enc.
55kissedbyfriarH5(20)0p8p7p9pkristo sardelic/11 l
62double rushH41p2p6p2p4pholly watson/1tete
74city starH7(20)2p4p5p2pangela johnston/11 l 1/2
89galahs do roarF5(20)2p5p7p2pryan hill/13/4 l
98shadow boomF47p3p(20)1p2pnatasha faithfull/11 l 3/4
106blackwood riverH6(20)4p3p4p0plaqdar ramoly/11/2 l

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